Connect with your inner wisdom.

What makes this practice unique?

My practice is based on positive psychology, yoga and mindfulness practices, neuroscience, stress physiology and reduction techniques.

Using these approaches, I help you to increase awareness of where you are right now & where you want to be. I do this by working with you to design a path that is both positive and possible, and relate to fears and anxieties in a wholesome and empowering way.

I offer a well-defined and proven method of getting to know one´s own body, mind and inner states in a safe and open way. This invites awareness, recognition and acceptance of our experiences to cultivate freedom and choice in the way we respond to life.

My approach is based on investigating, relating and cultivating rather than on "fixing" because I believe that:

“People are not broken and don´t need to be fixed”

- Jon Kabat Zinn

This is a space to dive deep into yourself to live with ease, purpose & fulfilment

Yoga Teacher and Life and Mindfulness Coach, Mariana Garcia Flores, chose the name, Alive as Life because this is what we all are, alive as life itself.

You are life itself manifesting as this human.

We are nature itself, already perfect, already complete. There is no need to change anything in our beings, they are already perfectly one with nature. Nothing is missing. No falut in you. Made with the same life substance as the sun and the moon. You belong in this earth as life itself.

“If there is any power in this universe, it is in you”

“You are the power of the cosmos”.

Mark Whitwell

Your breath breathes you, your heart beats you alive. You are the life that is living you. One and the same. No separation.

We are here in this world ALIVE, just like hummingbirds who deeply enjoy themselves and the nectar of the flowers. Simply, ordinarily and magically alive.

Alive as life is all about helping you reconnect with your Self - the life in you, so that you can let that guide you.

Alive as Life represents FREEDOM. Freedom to be our nature and to live in alignment with who we are.

Intimate connection - Choice & Freedom -  Living on purpose -   Inherent peace & fulfillment

Book an introductory call to see if Alive as Life is right for you.


“Like the hummingbird sipping nectar from every flower, I fly joyfully through my days, seeing beauty in everything.”

~ Amethyst Wyldfyr

Why does a hummingbird represent Alive as Life?

I wanted to include Mexican elements to create a connection between my culture and my business. This beautiful hummingbird with Mexican-inspired petal wings looks like it’s mid-flight giving a sense of freedom, direction, and spiritual connection.

The hummingbird brings me back to my roots and its symbolism represents ‘Alive as Life’ beautifully with messages of freedom, beauty, love, balance, wishes, strength, stillness, presence, and rebirth.

For the Mayans, the hummingbird represents the resurrection of souls. And in some other ancient Mexican cultures, the hummingbird signifies death in the cold nights of winter and resurrection to life with the dawn of spring.

For me all of the above means re-birth, and when I say re-birth, I mean letting go of patterns and beliefs that enslave us. As we let go, we open space to be ourselves freely, autentically and powerfully.

According to the Mayan legends, the hummingbird was also responsible for carrying wishes and thoughts from one place to another. The legend tells that if in life you meet this bird, it is because a soul is sending you a message from another place far away from earth. the hummingbird will also hear your wishes and carry them on.

What a wonder it is to make a wish. A wish is the song of the heart; the heart speaking.

And what a wonder to specifically send wishes of love and well-being to one another. Doing this connects us to the love that we are and how much love we can share with the world. The hummingbird logo is a reminder of the good wishes I send from my heart to yours.

For the Aztec people, the hummingbirds were known for giving them energy, strength and skill. And in some other Mexican cultures, the hummingbird represents the inner battle that is fought by warriors who wish to resurrect to eternal life.

For me this represents the masculine energy in us and a beautiful message of playing to our strengths, doing what makes us feel full of purpose and skill. If we do this, we can share the best of ourselves with the world. When we are being ourselves and fulfilling our heart´s desire, our enegy renews itself, there is no more drag, dissatisfaction or any sense of striving and surviving. I connect deeply with the messages of the legends; that by working through our inner battles when letting go of patterns and beliefs, we go through a process of unlearning, releasing everything that does not belong in our natural being. wer are left naked as if were born again.

In most Mexican cultures, the hummingbird is also seen as a symbol of love, beauty, harmony, balance and stillness.

For me this represents the femenine energy in us. Stillness for me means the peace and union of the body, breath and mind in meditation; in it’s natural state. In this stillness and inner silence, we create a deep connection with our hearts. It is here we can hear the whispers of our hearts.

We are the union of the feminine and masculine energies. We are not separate. We are one. We are whole.


not on the branch. In the air

Not in the air. In the instant

The hummingbird”

~ Octavio Paz, Mexican Poet