June Yoga Retreat

Kauwai Retreat - Ovalau, Fiji

28th - 30th June

Get in touch: mariana@aliveaslife.com

“If you can breathe you can do Yoga”

-TKV Desikachar

The practice

HaTha Yoga

The heart and breath-centred practice brought forth from the ancient traditions by Sri Krishnamacharya.

Experience the power of the breath as the link between the mind and the body, and meditation as the gift that arises seamlessly through asana (body postures) & pranayama (breathwork)

Yoga is not a method to get anywhere, it is your participation in life as it actually is. It is the practice of intimacy with your breath, body and life.

Benefits of Yoga and Meditation

  • Regulate the nervous system through stimulation of the vagus nerve

  • Reduce stress and release stored tension in the body

  • Attune to the body´s intelligence: receive information from the body as intuition or insight

  • Participate in life as it IS.

Benefits of deep breathing

  • Regulates the nervous system

  • Clears the mind

  • Reduces the risk of heart disease

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Reduces inflammation and boosts your immune system

  • Improves our entire circulatory system by rejuvenating and oxygenating the blood

About the retreat

A time to rest the body and mind

Unwind into the nature that you are, supported by the ocean, the sun, and the sand.

This retreat is for you if you want to:

  • Relax into your own life

  • Discover ease with meditation and yoga

  • Establish your own home practice

  • Manage difficult emotions

  • Learn to self soothe or regulate

  • Listen to your body and intuition

  • Have clarity of mind and direction

  • Participate in your unity with everything and everyone

The Programme


  • 2 x Daily yoga and meditation sessions

  • 1-1 Yoga Instruction - designing your own home practice

  • Workshop - being with difficult emotions

  • Cacao Ceremony

  • Sunset Watching

  • Kayaking and paddle boarding

Additional activities

Additional charges apply:

  • Water activities $40pp (snorkelling and/or sandbank visit)

  • Hiking $70 pp

  • Market visit in the historical town of Levuka - Taxi fare

The Location


Kauwai Retreat is an adventure, relaxation and wellness haven on the south-west corner of the Island of Ovalau.

All of the businesses operations are run by local families whose histories are deeply intertwined with the roots of the island.

Rooms and Prices

The rates below include:

  • Accommodation

  • 3 meals per day (vegetarian or pescetarian)

  • 2x daily yoga classes & 1-1 instruction

  • Workshops

  • Kayaking

  • Paddle boarding

Shared bathroom facilities

Double room

  • Twin share- $250 pp / per night

  • Single occupancy - $320 per night

Twin room

$250 pp / per night

Ensuite Rooms

Deluxe Double room

  • Twin share- $280 pp / per night

  • Single occupancy - $380 per night

4 Person Room

$250 pp / per night


Transfers provided via private speed boat -$110 per person return from Natovi Jetty

What to bring

  • Togs/swimsuit

  • Sandals

  • Rock/reef shoes

  • Umbrella / raincoat

  • Comfy clothes for asana

  • Reef-safe sunscreen

  • Natural mosquito repellent

  • Notebook & pen

  • Snorkelling gear

  • Yoga mat


  • This is not in any particular ‘style’ of Yoga. it is also not just exercise or stretches.

    This is Yoga: The heart and breath-centred practice brought forth from the ancient traditions by Sri Krishnamacharya.

    Yoga is the practice of intimacy with breath, body, and life. It is embracing reality itself.

    The practice could be described as breath-centred tantra hatha yoga.

    The practice of Yoga weaves together asana (body postures), pranayama (breathwork), mantras (chants), mudras (hand postures), and visualisations. During or after these, meditation may arise as a gift. Meditation does not imply a struggle with the mind or the body.

    Fitness and flexibility are only a consequence of this spiritual practice, not the purpose of it.

    HaTha yoga.

    Ha means sun and Tha means moon. HaTha is therefore the union of opposites that arise and return to the heart. Above-below, left-right, front-back, within-without, strength-receptivity, inhale-exhale, sun-moon, masculine-feminine. HaTha yoga is the participation and union of these opposites.

    Tantric philosophy is based on the principles of non-duality, meaning that in life there is no separation. Tantra recognises that we are an inseparable part of the universe. Therefore, tantra-based yoga focuses on using the body as a temple to worship the all-encompassing oneness of life as sacred.

  • 3 meals per day are included (vegetarian & pescatarian)

    If you have any dietary requirements, we will cater for you.

    Please specify in the registration form

  • Boat departs at 4:00 pm from Natovi Jetty on Friday

    Boat leaves from Ovalau at 3:00 pm on Sunday and arrives at Natovi Jetty at about 3:45 - 4:00pm

    Transfers to and from Natovi Jetty need to be arrenaged individually

  • Kauwai Retreat is an adventure, relaxation and wellness haven on the south-west corner of the Island of Ovalau.

  • WiFi is not available and there is limited reception.

    Great time to relax and let go for a couple of days

  • A deposit of $200 FJD is necessary to secure your spot.

    Bank transfer to Fijian bank account

    Cash in FJD

    Invoice will be sent out online upon registration

  • The organizer reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the event if the group is not full. In this case you will receive a full refund

    If your plans change, please advise a week in advance, otherwise the deposit will be non-refundable but you may give your spot to someone else.

  • The organizer reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the event if the group is not full. In this case you will receive a full refund

    No show ups: Due to the specifics of this event, the deposits are non-refundable if you were unable to attend or changed your mind

    Behaviour: A retreat is a place where everyone can be themselves and freely express emotions . However, if you are feeling challenged please contact me for help.

    Personal Boundaries: Be sensitive to the personal space and boundaries of other participants. Ask for consent before physical or emotional contact.

    Punctuality: You are encouraged to be on time for all scheduled activities to ensure a harmonious overall experience. If you are unable to participate in the practices, you are free to manage your time at your own discretion.

    Dietary Restrictions: Please inform us in advance of any dietary restrictions or allergies.

    Free of Alcohol and Mind-Altering Drugs: In the interest of promoting general well-being, the use of alcohol and mind-altering drugs is not allowed.

    Safety: We ask you to follow the safety rules shared during each workshop or class.


Get in touch: mariana@aliveaslife.com